Hurricane/Tropical Storm Info

Student safety is our primary concern. In the event there is a formal warning, the College of Charleston will cancel classes in a timely manner so that students can evacuate the area. Transportation and accommodations will be provided for students who need it.

The Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Residence Life and Housing have a comprehensive student evacuation plan that provides for transportation, housing, meals, and all other essential needs of our residential students and those commuter students who notify the college they require assistance once an evacuation has been initiated. In the event that evacuation is not an option, the College will, in collaboration with Charleston County emergency management operations, put in place campus operations that provide temporary shelter, food and medical assistance for our students.

Families of College of Charleston students should prepare their own family plan before a weather emergency strikes. This plan should cover evacuation procedures, an emergency contact list, a list of alternate communications methods, and pre-arranged meeting sites outside the evacuation area.

For more information, refer to the Charleston County Hurricane Guide.